DUI and Professional Licenses
Imagine you are and your friends are downtown for the opening of a trendy bar. One drink turns into another, and hours pass before you finally decide it’s time to be getting home. You locate your keys, find your car and begin to drive. After a couple of blocks, you notice flashing lights in your rearview mirror and you are arrested. The next thing you know, you are facing criminal charges for Driving Under the Influence. In addition to the year of battling criminal charges, and possibility even civil charges, your license may be at stake.
If you plan on working in an industry requiring a professional licensing, or are already a licensed professional, a Driving Under Influence Charge the can seriously threaten your career, reputation and license if not correctly, and timely, handled. Convictions, adjudications, and even the charge itself can lead to administrative action by a state board or commission including: reprimand, probation, limited or restricted practice, suspended practice license revocation or licensure denial.
In addition to a Driving under the Influence, and other common forms of criminal conduct, licensed professionals are at risk of losing their license if they are found to be engaged in:
- Unprofessional conduct
- Unethical practice
- Unprofessional conduct
- Incompetent practice
Licensed professionals, often must report an arrest or a disposition of a criminal case, regardless of its outcome to their licensing authority. Failing to report such charges to the proper board or commission can result in disciplinary action taken against your license.
Whether a Chiropractor, Nurse, Doctor, Occupational Therapist, Optometrist, Pharmacist, Physician, Psychologist, or Therapist if your license is in jeopardy due to a Driving while Under the Influence charge you need will need an attorney who is not only knowledgeable in the controlling criminal law but also the internal rules and regulations of your specific licensing board.
Take action today by contacting Attorney Fabian Hoffner. With the support of an aggressive attorney on your side, you can be assured your professional license remains protected. For a free consultation, call 612-206-3777 to learn about your options, your rights, and to have any questions you may have answered honestly and promptly.